Friday, March 25, 2011

Dick Garrison's Amazing Interplanetary Adventures added

Dick Garrison's Amazing Interplanetary Adventures, "join Earth's Legendary Hero Dick Garrison and Help Defeat the Peril from Beyond the Stratosphere!" added.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Flintlock And Tomahawk added

Flintlock And Tomahawk, American warfare 1690-1815 in popular culture, art, in miniature and in wargames, through Living History and in movies, added.

Three Color Minimum added

Three Color Minimum added.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Zulu War In Miniature added

The Zulu War In Miniature added. "This Blog is simply a place to post the progress on my little project. �The Zulu war in miniature�, as the name suggests it�s the collecting / painting and playing with toy soldiers or miniatures. The plan is to be able to keep it updated regularly with lots of pictures and the odd bit of boring text. To that end I have been busy behind the scenes for the last year making some small progress with the project so there should be plenty of pictures to post in the coming weeks and months",

MiniStories added

MiniStories, historical miniatures wargaming and painting, added.

War Is The H-Word added

War Is The H-Word, blog in Polish and English, added.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Spread The Word

Whilst Blogs of War gets a healthy audience and number of followers it would be great if we could get more gamers to visit. To this end could I ask you all that as well as following the blog, you include Blogs of War in your own blog's blog list as most of the traffic we get is via other blogs. Thanks.